virtualenv Bootstrapping

January 02, 2011

virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. pip installs Python packages. Together, they're awesome.

In the virtualenv documentation, Ian Bicking gives a recipe for creating project bootstrap scripts that set up an environment and then perform custom steps to populate it. The bootstrap script is self-contained: it doesn't require the person running it to have virtualenv installed. The downside is that producing the bootstrap script requires running another script that invokes virtualenv.create_bootstrap_script and writing the result to disk.

If you're willing to treat virtualenv as a pre-requisite, there's an alternative recipe that doesn't require the script-creating-a-script level of indirection. Import the virtualenv module, define the hook functions in its scope, and then execute its main function.

For example, here's a bootstrap script that creates a virtual environment, installs the HEAD of the Tornado's master branch from GitHub, writes a script that runs a Tornado server with a static file handler pointing to a www directory, makes the run script executable, and dumps a hello world index.html file into the root of the static path.

You can execute this script, giving it a path to where you want the virtual environment to reside. After it completes, you can activate that environment and execute the script it generates to start the Tornado server. Visiting http://localhost:8080/static/index.html in your browser shows the hello world page the generated.

$ ./ ~/envs/my_app
$ source ~/envs/my_app/bin/activate
$ &
$ open http://localhost:8080/static/index.html

Of course, you can reuse the setup script to create additional, isolated environments.

$ deactivate      # get out of the my_app env
$ ./ ~/envs/my_other_app
$ . ~/envs/my_other_app/bin/activate
$ --port=9000 &
$ open http://localhost:9000/static/index.html

If you install virtualenvwrapper, switching among the separate server environments is even easier.

$ deactivate                  # get out of the my_other_app env
$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ export WORKON_HOME=~/envs   # or add this to .bashrc or .bash_profile
$ source /usr/local/bin/ # same here
$ workon my_app               # now in the my_app env
$ workon my_other_app         # now in the other
$ deactivate                  # now in the system env

You can always add arguments to the bootstrap script to increase its flexibility too. Imagine options for what version of Tornado to fetch, the default port number, manging the server under supervisord, etc.

Another Read: pyttsx on GitHub »

After many months of no activity, I've moved the main development branch of pyttsx from Launchpad to GitHub. I originally put the code on Launchpad when I was exploring new version control systems. As I've long since settled on git and GitHub for my other projects, it was about time to move pyttsx there too.