Rich Audio MUDs

May 29, 2008

Gary has mentioned that sound adventure games like Descent into Madness and The Last Crusade have served as effective rewards in some local schools. Kids with visual impairments work hard in order to earn time playing them.

I've been brainstorming a bit about open-ended multi-user dungeons (MUDs) with rich sound and speech. Gary thinks it would be beneficial to use the MUD for educational purposes, not just as a reward after the work is done. I tend to agree, as long as its easy for teachers, older students, parents, and so on to translate lessons into in-game puzzles and adventures.

Here are some ideas I think could go into such a system to make it fun and rewarding for the kids, and an interesting platform for games.

Is anyone working on a similar project? Heard of a similar project?

Another Read: Python Weak References »

The weakref module in the Python standard library is a useful tool for creating Python references without impeding object destruction. This tutorial covers the basics of weak references, and introduces a Proxy class enabling weak references to method objects.